Field Notes...

First Real-World Build
Light Rains
Dark/Low Light Conditions

The first display home built by an end-to-end autonomous blocklaying robot anywhere in the world is being completed in Dayton, Western Australia.

The site was bordered by seven occupied homes. Average lay speed 146 blocks p/hr or 671 SBEs p/hr. Block wastage was less than 1/5 of a house built using traditional methods. European-made prefabricated kitchen ordered based on the 3D CAD model and installed without having to measure walls. Roof trusses made according to the 3D CAD and installed. Bill of materials significantly improved over traditional building site.

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Type: Residential
Builder: Archistruct Builders & Designers
Layout: 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Double Garage
Wall Area: 244sqm
Block Type: CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit)
Block Size: 390mm x 230mm x 90mm
Blocks Laid: 2,991 CMUs (Approx. 14,00 SBEs)
Block Wastage: < 0.1%
Wall Type: Single leaf cavity wall
Time to Completion: 20.5 Laying Hours
Status: Sold (May 2021)

FBR Technology