Field Notes...

Zero waste build
First real-world build for upgraded H01

Hadrian X® (H01) completed its first house structure since upgrades to the machine were completed and proved its zero-waste design by producing no waste during the build.

A manually built brick house produces 10% brick waste on average, which, applied to the Wellard build, would have equated to approximately three cubic metres of brick waste in landfill, plus the additional cost associated with overordering and waste removal.

From an ESG perspective, FBR's WaaS® offering with zero block waste provides significant benefits to waste-conscious builders and homeowners, where in Western Australia alone, construction and demolition waste accounts for 50% of waste produced in the state.

Additionally, as H01 lays from pre-cut, sequenced pallets there is no requirement to cut blocks which greatly reduces the risk of exposure to silica dust on site and surrounding areas.

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Type: Residential
Development: Oakebella
Layout: 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Double Garage
Wall Area: 355sqm
Block Type: CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit)
Block Size: 390mm x 230mm x 90mm
Blocks Laid: 4,520 CMUs (Approx. 23,000 SBEs)
Block Wastage: 0%
Wall Type: Double Leaf Cavity Wall
Total Distance Travelled by Lay head 8605m
Status: Walls Complete (May 2022); Sold (Dec 2023)

FBR Technology